Healthcare facilities generate chemotherapy waste. There are two types of chemotherapy waste typically found in the healthcare setting, trace chemotherapy waste (also known as yellow bag/container waste) and hazardous chemotherapy waste (sometimes called bulk chemotherapy waste). In Arizona, chemotherapy waste is defined as any discarded material that has come into contact with or contains chemicals that have a specific toxic effect upon the disease-producing microorganisms or that selectively destroy cancerous tissue. In order for chemotherapy waste to be considered trace, they must meet the RCRA definition of empty. All removable contents must be eliminated, with no more than 3 percent by weight remaining.
Like all medical waste, there are extremely specific compliance requirements and safety procedures associated with Chemotherapy waste. Trace chemo waste is placed in yellow containers and must be picked up by a licensed medical waste transporter and disposed of via medical waste incineration. Bulk chemotherapy waste must be transported by a licensed hazardous waste transporter and treated based on all state and federal regulations.
We can handle all your chemotherapy waste disposal needs, including:
- Trace chemotherapy waste (also known as yellow bag/container waste)
Trace chemotherapy waste (also known as yellow bag/container waste)